Hello there! 👋 I’m Rafael.
A Developer, Electronic Technician, and System Analyst.

Welcome to my GitHub repository, where you’ll find projects I’ve created and other ventures linked to me.
You can also explore my personal portfolio website: raflisboa.github.io/cv/.
Proficient in: C#, HTML5, Javascript, CSS, SQL, VBA, Batch Script, Shell Script, Cloud Computing, AWS, Microsoft Azure.
- 🔠Currently, I’m immersed in Cloud Computing-related endeavors.
- 🌱 I’m in the process of mastering Python, advancing with Javascript, and honing my Software Testing Strategy skills.
- 👯 I’m enthusiastic about collaborating on Open Source projects.
- 📫 Let’s connect: rafael.lisboa0@gmail.com
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him